Tag: Jamil Azzaini

Kok Ceritanya Itu-Itu Saja

Setiap ke toko buku godaan untuk membeli selalu timbul, terutama buku motivasi atau pengembangan diri. Karena penasaran saya membelinya, namun sering kecewa karena isinya ternyata kurang lebih sami mawon.

Buku yang sebulan terakhir saya baca adalah Fight Like A Tiger, Win Like A Champion yang ditulis oleh Darmadi Darmawangsa dan Imam Munadhi. Secara umum buku ini menjelaskan 8 kekuatan dahsyat yang harus kita miliki untuk meraih sukses sejati yakni Positive Attitude, Belie, Goals, Failures, Motivation, Awareness, Integrity, Consistent & Persistent Action. Lanjutkan membaca “Kok Ceritanya Itu-Itu Saja”

Bug and Wrong Environment

The opposite of mosquito is a sort of bug called “kutu anjing” when it is inserted into match box (kotak korek api?). Naturally, the bug can jump 300 times of the size of its body. Unfortunately, after being trapped, it can only jump twice as high as its body due to the size of match box Whenever it tries to jump, it hits the roof of match box.

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Mosquito and Acceleration

On the way home I listened to Jamil Azzaini from Kubik Leadership on Trijaya FM. He said that everybody of us had to create a wishing star in order to experience successfull life. Without a wishing star or a vision, our activity would go without direction. This situation could be resembled with a passenger who rode the taxi without telling the driver the destination he wanted to go.

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